We are registered under the WEST BENGAL SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT.1961.
It is necessary to strengthen moral and ethical values of our society in order to establish just social order.there is no better way of doing this than propagation of vedic wisdom including knowledge.
Why Astrology And Astrologers Welfare Association (Astro Council Of West Bengal )
Astrology and astrologers welfare association (astro council of west bengal) is a platform designed to bring the various types of social activities for the people of our country. It is a renowned brand name in the field of all the astrological sciences and organisation.
Our new sister concern: (Sorbo Bharatio Brahaman Porisod) .
Under this forum all astrologers, spiritual gurus, brahman samaj, vaastu consultants, numerologists, palmist and master of all other astro sciences can register themselves. It is registered under the WEST BENGAL SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT.1961. All our work requires extensive and on going consultation with all sectors of our society. Our programmes are integrated with those of other government departments and all sphere of government. We work in partnership with NGO’S and faith based communities.
Our development, social protection and social welfare services span the entire life cycle of human life and encompass advocacy, promotion, prevention, care, mitigation, and palliation.
Be a member of this forum and proud to be a part of this forum. Register yourself with our website and contact our head office and branch office
Vision and Mission
- To help the poor and backward culture.
- Establish and maintain a proffesional association for the astrologers, spiritual gurus, and brahman.
- Establish professional standards and certification for practicing vedic astrology and puja, havan.
- Promote national and international practice of vedic astrology.
- Free exchange of ideas and researches and help the society among the various institutions, N G O’s, Social Bodies, Club, Organizations And Governments.
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